Student Honors Convocation Please join us for the Student Honors Convocation! Student Honors Convocation is an annual celebration where undergraduate and graduate students are recognized for their distinguished academic achievements and as a means to further encourage scholarship.
The award ceremony will be held on April 28, 2023 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. at the Willis A. and Janet S. Strauss Performing Arts Center.
Upcoming Program Assessment Cycle 2023-2024 Thanks to all programs that completed program assessment reports during this year's cycle. Tentative lists of undergraduate and graduate programs on the assessment cycle next year (2023-2024) are available now. Though some minor changes to next year's cycle may still occur, these lists provide units an advanced opportunity to plan their approach to next year's assessment activities.
Have questions? Virtual drop-in session - April 25, 1:30 to 2:30 (join anytime)
Please contact Matt Tracy if you need assistance outside of these times.
Detachment 470's Awards Convocation Det 470's annual award convocation is an opportunity for UNO, CU, and the local community to recognize outstanding cadets from across the Detachment. Senior leaders from UNO and CU, as well as local organization leaders typically attend this one-day event. Last year, Det 470 was privileged to have Chancellor Li as our Guest Speaker. April 21, 2023 in the Milo Bail Student Center
CultureFest CultureFest is an annual partnership between the Service Learning Academy and Omaha South Magnet High School which features a variety of performances, community presentations, and information booths that highlight the rich cultural diversity of the Omaha Community. CultureFest is free and open to the public, but organizations that are interested in performing or hosing a booth should reach out to Olajide Cooper or Brittany Sullivan for more information. Sunday, April 23, 2023
Service Learning Showcase The Service Learning Showcase is an annual event that showcases and celebrates the work of faculty, students, local educators, and community partners through service learning. This year the Service Learning Academy is celebrating 25 years of service learning at UNO. Faculty members, community partners, and campus partners are encouraged to attend. Please keep a lookout for more information and how you can share your service learning teaching at Showcase 2023! Wednesday, April 26, 2023 In The Beginning: The Artist Samuel Bak The inaugural exhibition, In the Beginning: The Artist Samuel Bak, offers a chronological and thematic selection of Bak's paintings and drawings from 1946 through 2022.
Bak selected these works to showcase the arc of his artistic career over eight decades. The exhibition features watercolors and drawings done in the Vilna ghetto during the Nazi occupation of the city, abstract works from the sixties, and his renowned metaphysical paintings.
The exhibit is open through June 4, 2023.