Teaching Policies Page for Review in Canvas
Academic Administrator Training
Faculty Development Fellowships
Reappointment, Promotion and Tenure Guidelines The 2023-24 RPT process kicks off soon for many departments. Per the Collective Bargaining Agreement, RPT guidelines must be reviewed, and if necessary, revised every two years in the fall semester of a new contract. Guidelines in place on August 31st remain in effect for the coming academic year. The colleges are asked to ensure that units affirm or revise RPT guidelines by August 31st through a vote of the faculty. Current guidelines for each unit should be sent electronically to Jennifer Swartzendruber in Academic Affairs by September 15th.
Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE) has Moved!
Samuel Bak Museum: The Learning Center New Exhibit Visit us on August 12 when our next exhibition, Flight and Hope, opens. Travel, both involuntary and voluntary, has defined artist Samuel Bak’s life and is one of the most significant themes in his work. This exhibition explores how his postwar experiences of fleeing Soviet rule, of living in a displaced person camp, and of rebuilding a life in Israel after migration influences his artwork.
International Programs Kudos Lindsay Sanders has handled numerous additional tasks in the last few weeks leading up to our application deadline for international applicants. Lindsay has also taken time to help current ILUNO students in need. Lindsay’s assistance is appreciated and has not gone unnoticed.
ILUNO Hosts Shizuko Summer Tour
Zander Gibney Awarded $8,500 Phi Kappa Phi Fellowship
5th Cohort of Pakistani Teachers to Visit UNO
UNO Builds International Partnerships in Vietnam
UNO Will Welcome Young Leaders from the Balkans
Opportunity for Seniors: Clarke DS Fellowship
Partner with ORCA this Year
Partner with SBMLC this Fall