2023-2024 Catalog is Open The catalog for the 23-24 academic year is now open for revision. All updates, changes and additions are done in the system at the college and/or unit levels, and representatives are responsible for ensuring that all content has been submitted, reviewed, and approved before forwarding for final processing. Please let us help with any catalog revision questions at: unocourseleaf@unomaha.edu.
Catalog Timeline March 1st: Sign-off Representatives (all pages completed in workflow) March 1st - July 1st: Final processing/restricting of "Front End" - Final Process Catalog July 1st: 2023-2024 catalog goes LIVE (no further changes to the catalog can be made after this date) Majors and Programs Website Revamp The pandemic paused discussions of revamping the Majors and Programs webpage and now is a good time to renew this project with campus-wide input. This process will start this month with a focus group of students and campus staff who work with prospective and first year/transfer students. A draft document will be shared broadly for feedback as part of this project. The project is scheduled to be completed in early fall.
NU DEAL Academic Affairs is delighted to call for applications for the 2023-25 cohort of the University of Nebraska Developing Excellence in Academic Leaders (NU DEAL) program. This leadership development program includes site visits to all four NU campuses and the opportunity to network and grow professionally with colleagues from across the system. Learn more about the program here; applications are due March 1st. Faculty Leaves of Absence The faculty leaves request and approval process has been updated through a collaborative process involving Human Resources, Faculty Senate, and AAUP as well as feedback from academic leaders. As a general overview, the request/approval process for professional and personal leaves has been separated from that for disability, family, and parental leaves. The revisions are intended to streamline and clarify the request and approval process. An overview of faculty leaves and the new leave request forms can be found in the College Resources SharePoint.
PT Faculty Hiring Timeline for Summer 2023
Campus Faculty Awards Faculty honors and awards increase the visibility of faculty accomplishments and enhance the reputation of the university. Please consider supporting nominations of your faculty for the following campus-wide faculty awards including a new award recognizing the contributions of our part-time faculty:
Nominations are due March 1st. For more information, see the Faculty Honors and Awards website.
Dual Enrollment This will be the last month new dual enrollment applications will be accepted from students at the majority of our partner high schools. Prospective dual enrollment students must have their applications submitted by Feb. 24, 2023 to be enrolled in a dual enrollment course. Also, Dual Enrollment Program continues to partner closely with Omaha Public Schools to support their Teacher Advanced Academics Graduate Program. This Program provides up to 18 graduate hours of coursework for qualifying high school teachers to help build dual enrollment capacity in the state's largest school district. There are currently over three dozen teachers currently working directly with staff in Dual Enrollment to complete the program. General Education There were over 20,000 total enrollments in General Education courses during the Fall 2022 semester. This Excel table highlights enrollments and capacities across the courses offered during the most recent fall term.
Interesting articles about General Education: Are We Taking Gen Ed for Granted
Program SLO Assessment Thank you to all units on the 2022-2023 end-of-program assessment cycle who submitted assessment reports in January. The Academic Assessment Committee will be reviewing these reports during February and March and providing feedback to units in the April/May timeframe.
Academic Program Review Academic Affairs will be working with units completing their Academic Program Reviews to coordinate external review visits in February and March. The purpose of the external review visits is for the review team to meet with the program's constituents and stakeholders and to discuss various aspects of the unit self-study. The Academic Program Review website includes additional details about the process, including a listing of each colleges' representatives to the Academic Planning Council.
UCAT Featured Event: Energizing the Classroom February 17, 2023 UNO welcomes Sarah Rose Cavanagh, author of the Spark of Learning: Energizing the College Classroom with the Science of Emotion to campus. Join colleagues across campus to learn strategies to improve students' engagement, spur their curiosity to learn more, and enhance their long-term retention of the content you teach. Cavanagh's keynote address is open to the campus. While at UNO, she will also meet with several of UNO's instructional leaders and consult with 10 teams of faculty and staff who are leading student engagement initiatives. Samuel Bak Museum: The Learning Center Introduces New Team Members Samuel Bak Museum: The Learning Center would like to introduce two new members. Alexandra Cardon is the gallery manager and Assistant Curator. Beth Stinson is the Administrative Associate for Samuel Bak Museum: The Learning Center.