Reminder: 2023-2024 Course, Lab and Misc. Fee Proposals Due January 13, 2023 The deadline for the Course, Lab, and Misc. fee proposals will not have a grace period this year as the Provost has moved up the timeline for our campus to submit these fees. Our campus timeline remains the same. We wanted to share that the timeline is a hard deadline this year.
Please send requests for new or changed (increased, decreased, and deleted) Course, Lab, and Misc. fees on the Course, Lab, Misc. Fee Proposals Form to by January 13, 2023. Student Honors Convocation All student awards information is due to Denise Devney, by February 1, 2023. For more detailed information on the awards please visit the Awards Information page. This year's ceremony will be held on April 28, 2023 3:00-5:00pm with a reception immediately following in Strauss.
Please note that college deans will establish the deadlines for departments/schools to provide their Undergraduate Major Nominees to the Dean's Office.
Thank you for your nominations that allow our students to be recognized for their exemplary accomplishments 2023-2024 Catalog is Open The catalog for the 23-24 academic year is now open for revision. All updates, changes and additions are done in the system at the college and/or unit levels, and representatives are responsible for ensuring that all content has been submitted, reviewed, and approved before forwarding for final processing. Please let us help with any catalog revision questions at:
Catalog Timeline March 1st: Sign-off Representatives (all pages completed in workflow) March 1st - July 1st: Final processing/restricting of "Front End" - Final Process Catalog July 1st: 2023-2024 catalog goes LIVE (no further changes to the catalog can be made after this date)
Annual Reviews All full-time faculty are required to participate in the annual review process through the Watermark Faculty Success (WFS) platform by entering their professional activities and then submitting their reports digitally. Questions? Please contact Candice Batton or Dan O'Dell for technical questions about WFS.
Key Dates January 10th: Updates to WFS workflow due to Dan O'Dell January 17th: Annual review process kick-off with email to full-time faculty from SVC February 17th: Faculty reports on 2022 activities and 2023 goals and objectives due to chairs/directors March 17th: Chairs/directors evaluation of faculty due to deans April 1st: Recommendations for salary increases based on satisfactory performance due to faculty NU DEAL Academic Affairs is delighted to call for applications for the 2023-25 cohort of the University of Nebraska Developing Excellence in Academic Leaders (NU DEAL) program. This leadership development program includes site visits to all four NU campuses and the opportunity to network and grow professionally with colleagues from across the system. Learn more about the program here; applications are due March 1st.
Campus-wide Chairs/Directors Meetings Spring 2023 campus-wide Chairs/Directors meetings will be held on the following dates from 3:00-4:30pm
February 2nd: via Zoom March 7th: in person in MBSC April 4th: via zoom
Faculty Workload Updates Faculty workload updates for Spring 2023 are due to Academic Affairs by February 15th. College spreadsheets will be distributed for updates by Jenn Swartzendruber in mid-January.
Dual Enrollment School Visits Staff from dual enrollment will be visiting each of our partner high schools from the beginning of January through the middle of February to talk with students about dual enrollment opportunities and explain the application and enrollment process. On average, over 3,000 students complete at least one dual enrollment course throughout the year. Please contact if you have questions.
General Education Review of Requirements As highlighted at UNO's recent Strategic Planning Forum, the General Education Committee is undertaking a broad review of UNO's general education requirements to identify opportunities to increase the flexibility, coherence, and relevance of this part of the curriculum. The General Education Committee will continue engaging faculty during the spring semester to discuss potential initiatives, share ideas, and provide feedback.
Interesting articles about General Education: It's Time to Get ride of Distribution Requirements
Program SLO Assessment Reports Due Programs on the 2022-2023 end-of-program assessment cycle should submit their assessment reports using the online submission system no later than Jan 27th. There are four virtual drop-in sessions prior to the due date in which faculty/staff can participate if they need assistance submitting their reports.
Interested faculty/staff can join anytime during the available windows using this zoom link. Participants will be directed to a virtual waiting room if other faculty/staff are already receiving assistance. Please contact if you need assistance outside of these times.