Do you have faculty who will soon be retiring? Emeritus recommendations for faculty retiring at the end of the academic year are due April 1st. For additional information on eligibility for emeritus and the recommendation process, see the Emeritus folder in the College Resources SharePoint. Questions? Contact Candice Batton in Academic Affairs at 402.445.4452
College-specific Named Chairs and Professorships Recommendations for new appointments and renewals of college-specific named chairs and professorships are due April 1st. Colleges are asked to submit their recommendations along with candidate CVs to Christine Hoffman by April 1st.
Faculty Workload Planning for 2023-24 Faculty workload planning spreadsheets for the next academic year (2023-24) are due from the colleges to Academic Affairs by April 1st. Questions? Contact Jenn Swartzendruber.
Summer 2023 Part-time Faculty Summer 2023 is just around the corner! Signed contracts for part-time faculty teaching in the summer including E-PAF/PAFs for new/rehires. and the PT spreadsheet are due to Academic Affairs via SharePoint by the end of the third week of April (i.e., 4/21).
Alumni Outstanding Teaching Awards College recommendations for Alumni Outstanding Teaching Award recipients are due to Anthony Flott by April 1st. Honorees will be recognized at Faculty Honors Convocation in the fall.
General Education Assessment Reports The General Education Committee reviews assessment data for general education courses according to a three-year cycle. The Committee will be reviewing courses this year (2022-2023) that satisfy U.S. and Global Diversity requirements, as well as select courses from other areas that have not previously collected/submitted assessment data.
Units should aim to complete the requirement by June 30, 2023. Please contact Matt Tracy with any questions.
For more information on satisfying the assessment requirement or attending virtual drop-in sessions click here.
Academic Program Review 2023-2024 Cycle The following academic programs are currently scheduled to be on the Academic Program Review (APR) cycle next year (2023-2024):
Matt Tracy will be hosting an informational session via zoom on April 5 at 2:00 P.M. for programs on the APR cycle next year. Others who are not on the cycle but are interested in learning more about the process are welcome as well. Please contact Matt Tracy with any questions.
UNO's JROTC Drill Meet Each year, high school JROTC drill teams from around the metro area ascend on UNO's campus to perform drill and ceremonies, individual and team events, in a bid to be the best JROTC team around! In addition, several active duty military from Offutt AFB attend the event as judges and supporting staff.
March 24, 2023 - 3:00 pm March 25, 2023 - 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Location: Sapp Field House Annual Research and Creative Activity Fair Save the Date for the upcoming UNO Research and Creative Activity Fair! This is an important professional development opportunity for our students. It allows them to share and get feedback on their work in front of a general audience (while competing for prizes!). Your attendance is vital to the success of the event! Please encourage your faculty to attend as well. Awards will be presented by Chancellor Li in the afternoon.
March 24, 2023 - 9:00 am to 4:00 PM Milo Bail Student Center
ILUNO 2022 Wrap-up UNO's Intensive English Program (ILUNO) wrapped up the 2022 year by honoring and celebrating students' growth and accomplishments. The festivities included minute-to-win-it and group games, student led holiday carols, and student awards. Nine students were awarded perfect attendance, 7 students were nominated for the Academic Excellence Award, and 14 students were nominated for the Ambassador Award. In The Beginning: The Artist Samuel Bak The inaugural exhibition, In the Beginning: The Artist Samuel Bak, offers a chronological and thematic selection of Bak's paintings and drawings from 1946 through 2022.
Bak selected these works to showcase the arc of his artistic career over eight decades. The exhibition features watercolors and drawings done in the Vilna ghetto during the Nazi occupation of the city, abstract works from the sixties, and his renowned metaphysical paintings.
The exhibit is open through June 4, 2023.