Spring 2024 Part-time Faculty
International Education Week Since its inception in 2000, International Education Week (IEW) has provided an opportunity to celebrate the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide and UNO has actively participated since the beginning. IEW is a joint initiative of the US Department of State and the US Department of Education to promote programs that prepare Americans for a global environment and attract future leaders from abroad to study, learn, and exchange experiences in the United States.
Join UNO's International Programs as we celebrate International Education Week (IEW) once again this November. Events throughout the week highlight UNO's global community and a variety of ways to experience international education in Omaha. Barry Goldwater Scholarship The Goldwater Scholarship recognizes the top undergraduates nationally pursuing research careers in science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM) fields. Scholars receive funding for their final year(s) of undergraduate study and are well-positioned for graduate school applications and awards.
Encourage sophomores and juniors to apply! For more information, connect with the Office of National Scholarships & Fellowships at unoonsf@unomaha.edu. Flight and Hope Exhibition Lecture Series at SMBLC The final lecture in the series is on Thursday, November 2 at 5:30 P.M. Dr. Gerald Steinacher will discuss the postwar escape of Nazi war criminals and the chaos caused by millions of Displaced Persons in the aftermath of World War II. The Stories We Share Behind every social injustice story lies the possibility for change. In an era of media over-saturation, divisiveness, and declining humaneness, a well-told story has the power to inspire and induce action. But how do we write such testimonies? How do we activate a jaded public?
Please join us for a series of free poetry workshops at SBMLC. After a tour of the Museum’s current exhibition Flight & Hope, participants will discuss the themes presented and explore how they would present their own experiences of trauma, displacement, hope, and/or survival. NU Collaboration Initiative Grant Opportunity The primary purpose of the NU Collaboration Initiative (CI) is to enhance the competitiveness of the University of Nebraska (NU) faculty for federal extramural funding by fully leveraging intellectual capacity and research resources across the NU campuses. All faculty in all disciplines are encouraged to apply. This program provides single-year seed grants from $10,000 - $100,000 total for one year that are designed to facilitate research collaborations among faculty in any discipline that would lead to federal funding. For UNO PIs/Co-PIs, please complete the budget form in the NuRamp online application and upload a budget justification as a PDF file. Please email Deanna Marcelino by December 1, 2023, with the budget request to give adequate time to complete the templates. UNO Federal Work-Study Research and Creative Activity Program The 2023-2024 UNO Work-Study Research and Creative Activity Program aims to expand student opportunities in research and creative activity by providing incentives to faculty who hire work-study-eligible students to assist in and/or contribute to their research and/or creative endeavors. All full-time faculty are eligible to apply. Awards will be decided based on the criteria described below and funding availability. The student worker hired must be Federal Work-Study eligible and enrolled at UNO during the term in which the research and/or creative activity will be conducted. Service Learning Academy Open House
The UNO campus and community partners are invited to the Service Learning Academy's annual open house. This year, the event will allow people to learn and celebrate 25 years of service learning success. Food and refreshments will be provided. Please RSVP to unosla@unomaha.edu. Do you know a student actively engaged within and outside the classroom?
Students who volunteer and take service learning or community-based learning courses have already met many of the requirements to be recognized as an “Engaged Scholar officially.” The Community Engaged Scholars Transcript Designation (CESTD) allows UNO undergraduate students to earn a designation by completing service-learning coursework, a community-based learning course or experience, and volunteer service. This designation on their UNO transcript tells future employers they have the critical skills to serve their community’s needs!