Is your gradebook up to date? Are your remaining assignment expectations and due dates clear? These are important points of information for students as they navigate the end of the semester.
Even though you have this information in Canvas and on your syllabus, take a moment to remind students to review it and plan accordingly. Point out that there will be only two weeks between the end of Thanksgiving break and the beginning of finals. That isn’t much time to cram in last-minute exam preparation or write those final papers.
THANK YOU for sharing Enrollment Days information with students. The preliminary results from this campus-wide campaign look promising in terms of maximizing scheduling options for students. More to come in future communications.
Consider these end-of-semester tips to keep your students engaged.
If you offer extra credit or opportunities to resubmit work, do so two to three weeks before the end of the semester. This can reinforce important material as students prepare for the course final assessment and will keep your grading manageable during finals weeks.
Give students time to reflect on what they learned. Ask them to identify two things they will remember in five or ten years. You might also have them answer these questions:
What are you better at doing now than you were 3 months ago?
What was your biggest accomplishment in this course?
Have students write a letter to future students who will take your course. The letter should include the most important things to know about the content, the design of the course, and the instructor. This is also great feedback for you.
Don’t forget to thank students for their investment of time and resources in your course. Make sure that they know UNO looks forward to having them back on campus next semester. (Enrollment is still open!) If they are graduating, let them know you’ll see them at commencement!
Wrapping up classes + taking exams + holidays + life in general = stress.
Students can get support through UNO’s Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). Located in H&K (with appointments available on South Campus), CAPS offers free and confidential services including individual, relationship, and drug/alcohol counseling as well as crisis services with in-person and telehealth options. Students should call 402-554-2409 if they are in crisis or if they wish to schedule an appointment.
University of Nebraska at Omaha, Center for Faculty Excellence, 6401 University Dr, Criss Library 320, Omaha, NE 68132,